Coconut candy recipe, brands name and benefits

Coconut candy recipe

Coconut candy, alternatively referred to as “coconut toffee” or “coconut sweet,” is a delectable confection crafted through the utilization of uncomplicated components and conventional techniques. Presented below is a fundamental outline elucidating the process involved in creating coconut candy.


  • Freshly grated coconut is a crucial component.
  • Granulated sugar is utilized to add sweetness.
  • Water is employed to form a sugar syrup.
  • Additional flavorings, such as vanilla or cardamom, may be incorporated in certain recipes to enhance the taste.


  • Begin by grating fresh coconut or using pre-packaged grated coconut. It is important to ensure that the coconut shreds are fine and fresh.
  • In a heavy-bottomed pan, combine sugar and water to create a sugar syrup. Heat this mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens slightly. This sugar syrup serves as the base for the candy.
  • Once the sugar syrup reaches the desired consistency, add the grated coconut to the pan. Continue to cook the mixture, stirring constantly.
  • To enhance the taste, you may choose to add flavorings such as vanilla or cardamom. Stir these flavorings into the mixture.
  • Keep cooking and stirring the mixture until it thickens and the coconut is well-coated with the sugar syrup. The mixture should become sticky and cohesive.
  • Once the mixture reaches the desired consistency, quickly transfer it to a greased plate or tray. Flatten it out evenly and allow it to cool. As it cools, it will harden.
  • After the candy has cooled and solidified, you can cut it into your desired shapes and sizes. Typically, it is cut into small squares or rectangles.
  • Your coconut candy is now ready to be served and enjoyed! It is a sweet and chewy treat with the delightful flavor of coconut.

Coconut candy can be made in various regional variations, and the flavorings or additional ingredients may vary. It is a popular treat in many countries, particularly in Southeast Asia and parts of the Caribbean.

What is the nutritional value of the coconut candy?

The nutritional composition of coconut candy can differ based on the specific ingredients and recipe utilized. However, a general overview of the typical nutritional components of coconut candy made with common ingredients can be provided.

Please be aware that the following values are approximate and may vary depending on the recipe and portion size:

For every 1-ounce (28g) serving of coconut candy:

  • Calories: Approximately 100-120 calories
  • Total Fat: Around 6-8 grams
  • Saturated Fat: Approximately 5-6 grams
  • Carbohydrates: Approximately 12-16 grams
  • Sugar: Typically, a significant amount of sugar, around 10-12 grams
  • Protein: Minimal, usually less than 1 gram
  • Fiber: Negligible

Coconut candy is a delightful confection primarily composed of coconut and sugar, which contributes to its relatively high sugar content and calorie count. The saturated fat content is also noteworthy due to the natural fat content of coconut. These values can fluctuate based on the recipe, including the quantity of sugar used and any additional ingredients such as flavourings or nuts.

It is crucial to consume coconut candy in moderation due to its elevated sugar and calorie content. If you are seeking a healthier alternative, you may consider preparing homemade coconut candy with reduced sugar or utilizing natural sweeteners.

Can we make coconut candy with coconut sugar?

Coconut candy can indeed be prepared by utilizing coconut sugar, which serves as a more wholesome and minimally processed substitute for conventional granulated sugar. Commonly referred to as coconut palm sugar, this particular sweetener is extracted from the nectar of coconut palm tree blossoms. Its reputation as a healthier and less refined alternative has contributed to its increasing popularity. Below, you will find a fundamental recipe for creating coconut candy utilizing coconut sugar.


  • Freshly grated coconut is essential.
  • Coconut sugar should be used as a sweetener.
  • A small amount of water may be required to create a syrup.
  • Optional flavorings such as vanilla or cardamom can be added for extra flavor.


  • Begin by using freshly grated coconut. Ensure that the coconut is finely grated and fresh.
  • In a saucepan, combine coconut sugar with a small amount of water to create a syrup. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup thickens slightly.
  • Once the sugar syrup reaches the desired consistency, add the grated coconut to the pan. Stir well to ensure that the coconut is evenly coated with the syrup.
  • If desired, you can add additional flavor to the coconut-sugar mixture. Vanilla or cardamom can be mixed in to enhance the taste.
  • Continue to cook and stir the mixture until the coconut is well-coated and the mixture thickens, creating a cohesive texture.
  • Once the mixture is ready, transfer it to a greased plate or tray. Flatten it out evenly and allow it to cool. As it cools, it will harden.
  • Once the coconut candy has cooled and solidified, cut it into small squares or rectangles, or any desired shapes and sizes.

By using coconut sugar instead of regular sugar, you can add a natural sweetness to your coconut candy. Coconut sugar also has a lower glycemic index, making it a healthier option. Additionally, it provides a caramel-like flavor that enhances the taste of the coconut candy. This modification can be a suitable choice if you are looking for a more health-conscious version of coconut candy.

What are the brands of coconut candy?

There are various brands that produce coconut candy, and their availability may differ by region. Some notable brands that focus on coconut candy or offer coconut candy products include:

  • Royal Family – A renowned Taiwanese brand recognized for its premium mochi and coconut candies.
  • Hawaiian Host – Widely known for its chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, Hawaiian Host also provides coconut candies.
  • Dong He – A highly regarded Taiwanese brand famous for its coconut candies and various other traditional Taiwanese snacks.
  • GoMaxGo – This brand caters to individuals with dietary restrictions by offering vegan and dairy-free coconut candy bars.
  • Jade Brand – Recognized for its traditional Chinese-style coconut candies.
  • Bali’s Best – Known for their hard candy, Bali’s Best includes coconut-flavored candies in their range.
  • Coco Polo – This brand combines coconut with dark chocolate to create coconut-based chocolate candy, offering a unique treat.
  • Cocomels – Specializing in coconut milk caramels, Cocomels provides a dairy-free alternative.

Please keep in mind that the availability of these brands may vary depending on your location. Additionally, there may be local or regional brands that also produce coconut candy. When purchasing coconut candy, it is advisable to check the ingredients and reviews to ensure it aligns with your taste and dietary preferences.

Can we freeze coconut candy?

To extend the shelf life or preserve coconut candy, freezing is an effective method, especially when dealing with a large quantity. Follow these steps to properly freeze coconut candy:

  • Ensure the coconut candy is made and cooled correctly before freezing.
  • If the coconut candy is in a large block, consider cutting it into smaller portions or individual pieces that can be consumed at once. This allows for easier thawing of only the needed amount.
  • Individually wrap each portion or piece of coconut candy in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Alternatively, use airtight containers or resealable freezer bags. The objective is to minimize exposure to air, which can lead to freezer burn and affect the candy’s texture and taste.
  • Label each package or container with the date of freezing. This practice helps keep track of the duration the coconut candy has been in the freezer.
  • Place the wrapped or packaged coconut candy in the freezer, ensuring it is stored away from strongly scented items as coconut candy can absorb other flavors.
  • When ready to enjoy the frozen coconut candy, remove it from the freezer and allow it to thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Avoid using the microwave, as it can melt or alter the candy’s texture.

Properly packaged frozen coconut candy can typically be stored for several months while maintaining its flavor and quality. However, it is important to note that freezing may cause slight changes in texture, although the taste should remain largely unchanged.

How long coconut candy last?

  • The shelf life of coconut candy can vary based on various factors, including the ingredients used, storage conditions, and the presence of preservatives.
  • Homemade coconut candy, made without preservatives, typically remains fresh at room temperature for approximately 1 to 2 weeks.
  • To prolong its shelf life, it can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 to 2 months. Freezing is also an option for longer storage, lasting several months.
  • On the other hand, commercially packaged coconut candy’s shelf life may differ. It usually includes a “best before” or “use by” date on the packaging.
  • Store-bought coconut candy with preservatives can generally last for several months to a year, as indicated on the packaging.
  • It is crucial to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding storage and consumption.
  • It is important to note that coconut candy, like most confections, may lose freshness and flavor over time, particularly when exposed to air and moisture.
  • Maintaining its quality can be achieved by storing it in an airtight container, away from direct sunlight and humidity.
  • Before consuming coconut candy that has been stored for an extended period, it is advisable to check for signs of spoilage, such as changes in color, texture, or flavor.
  • If any coconut candy appears to be past its prime or exhibits an unusual odor or taste, it is best to discard it.

Can dogs eats coconut candy ?

It is advised against offering coconut candy or any type of candy to dogs. The majority of candies, including coconut candy, are unsuitable for dogs due to several reasons:

  • Coconut candy, like other candies, often has a high sugar content, which is detrimental to a dog’s health. Consuming excessive sugar can lead to weight gain, dental problems, and even contribute to the development of diabetes in dogs.
  • Many candies, particularly those produced commercially, may include artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives that are not suitable for a dog’s diet.
  • Certain candies, such as chocolate-covered coconut candies, can pose a severe threat to dogs. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, both of which are toxic to dogs and can cause significant harm.
  • Coconut candy may also contain ingredients like coconut oil or coconut milk. While these ingredients are generally not toxic to dogs in small amounts, it is crucial to consider the overall composition and portion size of the candy.

If you desire to reward your canine companion, it is advisable to exclusively opt for treats specifically designed for dogs or select nourishing food options that are both safe and beneficial for their well-being. In the event that you suspect your dog has ingested any form of confectionery, particularly chocolate, which can pose severe toxicity, it is imperative to promptly seek guidance from your veterinarian. It is always prudent to consult with your vet regarding the suitable and appropriate dietary requirements tailored to your individual dog’s health and nutritional needs.

Is coconut candy good for health?

Coconut candy, like many sweets and candies, is not considered a healthy food. It is typically made with ingredients that are high in sugar and saturated fat, which can have negative effects on your health when consumed in excess. Here are some considerations regarding the healthiness of coconut candy:

  • Coconut candy often contains a significant amount of sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and have adverse effects on blood sugar levels. Excessive sugar consumption can also lead to dental issues.
  • Coconut, a primary ingredient in coconut candy, contains saturated fat. While there has been some debate about the type of saturated fat in coconut, it is generally advisable to consume it in moderation to avoid increasing saturated fat intake.
  • Coconut candy is calorie-dense, meaning it provides a substantial number of calories for a relatively small portion size. Overconsumption can contribute to an excessive caloric intake.
  • Coconut candy lacks essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making it a poor choice for a balanced diet.
  • Some commercially produced coconut candies may contain artificial flavorings, colors, and preservatives, which are not considered healthy ingredients.

While indulging in an occasional serving of coconut candy as a delightful indulgence is not inherently detrimental, it is advisable to consume it in moderation as part of a well-rounded dietary regimen. Individuals who prioritize their well-being or weight management should exercise caution and restrict the intake of sugary treats, instead favoring more nutritious snack alternatives like fresh fruits or nuts. Additionally, crafting homemade coconut candy using reduced sugar and healthier ingredients can offer a superior option for individuals seeking a delectable treat with diminished adverse health consequences.

Benefits of eating coconut candy?

While coconut candy is not commonly regarded as a health food, it does offer a few potential advantages when consumed in moderation. Here are some positive aspects of indulging in coconut candy:

  • Enjoyment and Satisfaction: Coconut candy serves as a delectable and gratifying treat, providing a sense of enjoyment and indulgence. It is often considered a comfort food by many individuals.
  • Source of Energy: The sugar content present in coconut candy can offer a quick source of energy. However, it is important to consume it in moderation to prevent sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar levels.
  • Coconut Benefits: Coconut, a primary ingredient in coconut candy, contains healthy fats that can contribute to a feeling of satiety. Additionally, it may possess potential health benefits, such as promoting heart health and providing essential nutrients.
  • Occasional Treat: Incorporating coconut candy into a balanced diet as an occasional treat can be done without significant negative health effects.

It is crucial to highlight the importance of moderation when consuming coconut candy, as it typically contains high levels of sugar and saturated fat. Excessive consumption can lead to health issues such as weight gain and dental problems. To enjoy the potential benefits of coconut while minimizing drawbacks, it is advisable to explore healthier alternatives for incorporating coconut into one’s diet, such as utilizing fresh coconut, coconut oil, or unsweetened coconut in cooking and baking.

Disadvantages of eating Coconut candy?

Eating coconut candy, like consuming many sweets and candies, has several disadvantages and potential negative effects on your health. Here are some of the drawbacks of eating coconut candy:

  • Coconut candy is typically high in sugar, which can lead to various health issues, including weight gain, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and dental problems.
  • Coconut, a primary ingredient in coconut candy, contains saturated fat. Excessive consumption can contribute to elevated levels of saturated fat in your diet, which may negatively impact heart health.
  • Coconut candy is calorie-dense, meaning it provides a significant number of calories for a relatively small portion size. Overconsumption can lead to excessive calorie intake and weight gain.
  • Coconut candy lacks essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Consuming it regularly may displace more nutritious foods from your diet.
  • Some commercially produced coconut candies may contain artificial flavorings, colors, and preservatives, which are not considered healthy ingredients.
  • Due to its high sugar content, consuming coconut candy can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, followed by crashes, which may leave you feeling tired and irritable.
  • The sugar in coconut candy can contribute to tooth decay and cavities if not properly cared for.

It’s crucial to enjoy coconut candy in moderation and as an occasional treat. To minimize the negative effects, consider healthier alternatives, such as consuming fresh coconut in its natural form, which provides a range of nutrients without the added sugars and processing often found in candy.

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